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Hotel accommodation are subject to availability at the time of reservation. Although you may have selected a specific bed type on your registration from, please note that although the requests will be made to the hotel on your behalf, bed types are subject to availability. Room selection in all cases is strictly at the discretion of the hotel's management on a run-of-house basis. If any unforeseen circumstances arise, Avenue 8 Events LLC reserves the right to change hotels and accommodations. If accommodation changes are made, Avenue 8 Events LLC guarantees that new accommodations will be at the same level of standard and service as previously published. All special requests for accommodations, must be submitted in writing to



Guests are required to make reservations in the full name that is listed on his/her government document they will use for travel. If you need to make any changes to a name after travel documents have been issued, clients will be responsible for all name change fees, if applicable.



All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. The contractual agreements we have with hotels and other vendors afford us to offer special pricing that does not facilitate refunds.



All prices listed are per person based on single or double occupancy. Pricing does NOT include airfare. Prices include all food and beverage, excursions, activities, private Events LLC, transportations and a special gift. Prices are correct at time of publication. Please note however, that hotels accommodations fluctuate and classes of rooms may have limited availability depending on capacity. All excursions and other services are independently owned and operated and Avenue 8 Events LLC has no control over any changes in pricing. Avenue 8 Events LLC reserves the right to re-invoice for the correct price or service, should this become necessary. However, if there is a change in pricing, Avenue 8 Events LLC will make every effort to make changes to all packages that remains within published pricing.



Guests are responsible for ensuring that they have the proper travel documents and MUST CHECK with the respective consulate(s) or visa agency to determine whether any visas or passports are required. Passports are required to be valid for at least 6 months after the date of travel. Any information provided on travel description pertains to US citizens only. Non-US citizens should check with the respective consulate of the country to be visited for current entry requirements.



Deposit: A deposit is due at the time of reservation. All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable. All reservations (except where specified) will require a deposit and will be clearly noted the amount due and monthly payment plan.



If there is any outstanding balance by the Final Payment Due date listed on your invoice, a late fee will automatically be added to your invoice one day after your final payment date. The late fee will be 5% of your total invoice.



All reservations must be made no later than 30 days prior to departure. Late reservations require payment in full at time of booking.



US dollar, money order, major credit cards or debit cards. All payments made within 30 days of departure must be made by credit or debit card only.



Once reservations have been made, cancellations will only be accepted in writing. Email your cancellation request to with your full name and invoice number. Cancellations will not result in a refund. However, depending on the time of the cancellation, Avenue 8 Events LLC may allow for the package to be transferred to another guest. This is not guaranteed and all cancellation requests will be reviewed accordingly.



Changes to an existing reservation, whatever the cause, will incur a $50 per person charge plus any additional vendor fees.



The Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued several preventative measures to combat the virus, such as frequent hand washing, wearing a mask or face covering and keeping at least 6 feet away from others. If contracted, this virus has the ability to cause the traveler serious and severe illness. For more information on the COVID-19 virus, please visit the CDC webpage at


I understand and agree to the following:


1. COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that can be spread via person to person contact;


2. Supplier(s) of Avenue 8 Events LLC may have policies in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Avenue 8 Events LLC is not the drafter or holder of those policies and I understand that these policies can change at any time;


3. I understand that the supplier(s) may not apply those policies as diligently as the policies suggest and even if the supplier makes a good faith effort to enforce its good practices, some travelers may simply refuse to cooperate;


4. I understand that each state/country institutes their own pandemic-protective policies and regulations. I further understand that I am responsible for knowing, understanding and abiding by the pandemic protective-policies and procedures regarding COVID-19 of all state(s)/

countries listed in my travel itinerary, including any policy updates. I also understand that I may be denied entry into the country for reasons within or outside of my control;


5. I understand that by traveling, I can be subject to voluntary or involuntary quarantine either at home or in the traveled location(s);


6. I am responsible for knowing, understanding and abiding by the pandemic-protective policies and procedures regarding COVID-19 of all vendors used in my travel itinerary, including any policy updates;



The term Force Majeure shall include, without limitation, acts of God, fire, explosion, vandalism, storm or other similar occurrence, orders or acts of military or civil authority, or by national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages, or other labor disputes, or supplier failures, pandemics and government-mandated shutdowns. Should any of these events occur, it will make performing under the contract inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible.



This is a trip that is filled with activities and does not provide any assistance for guests with physical or mental challenges or disabilities. If a guest chooses to participate in this trip, please be advised that Avenue 8 Events LLC, is not legally liable for any injuries that may occur to said guest. Please also note that any medical services needed by any guest will be at the expense of the guest. This applies to all guests.



Excursions will be operated by motor-vehicle, its size dictated by the number of participants. Times listed in itineraries are approximate and meant only as guidelines. Some itineraries may have early morning start times for sightseeing in order to complete the touring during daylight hours or avoid afternoon heat in tropical destinations. It is the responsibility of all guests to arrive on time for all scheduled excursions and activities.



To ensure the desired group synergy, Avenue 8 Events LLC reserves the right to accept, reject or expel any individual who is deemed disruptive or incompatible with the interests of the group, including, but not limited to, individuals who are intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs leading to a negative experience for the remainder of the group. All expenses incurred as a result of early departure from the group, will be borne by the guest.



Avenue 8 Events LLC, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees and affiliates, does not own or operate any entity which is to or does provide goods or services for your trip including, for example, ownership or control over hotels or other lodging facilities, bus, van or other transportation companies, local ground operators, providers or organizers of excursions or equipment used thereon, food service or entertainment providers, etc. All such persons and entities are independent contractors. As a result, Avenue 8 Events LLC is not liable for any negligent or willful act or failure to act of any such person or entity, or of any other third party. Without limitation, Avenue 8 Events LLC is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property, death, delay or inconvenience in connection with the provision of any goods or services occasioned by or resulting from, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of government, force majeure, acts of war or civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, strikes or other labor activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, or the threat thereof, overbooking or downgrading of accommodations, structural or other defective conditions in hotels or other lodging facilities, mechanical or other failure of any means of transportation, dangers associated with or bites from animals, pests or insects, marine life or vegetation of any sort, dangers incident to recreational activities such as swimming, kayaking, sailing, canoeing, rafting, hiking, walking, bicycling, etc., sanitation problems, food poisoning, lack of access to or quality of medical care, difficulty in evacuation in case of a medical or other emergency, illness, epidemics or the threat thereof or for any other cause beyond the direct control of Avenue 8 Events LLC. In addition, I release Avenue 8 Events LLC from its own negligence and assume all risk thereof.



I am aware that travel such as that I am undertaking involves hazardous activities, with a risk of illness, injury or death which may be caused by forces of nature, animals, insects or flora, or other persons and companies known or unknown, or of willful or criminal conduct of third parties. I am aware that weather conditions may be severe, adverse and/or unpleasant. I am also aware that medical services or facilities may not be readily available or accessible during some or all of the time during which I am participating on the trip. I understand the physical requirements of the activity in which I will be participating, and I currently have no known physical, medical or mental condition which would impair my ability to participate in this tour or my safety in this activity, and I am willing to assume all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. In order to partake of the enjoyment and excitement of this trip I am willing to accept the risks and uncertainty involved as being an integral part of my adventure. I hereby accept and assume full responsibility for any and all risks of illness, injury or death and agree to hold harmless and release Avenue 8 Events LLC from any and all claims of third party or other negligence. I hereby authorize Avenue 8 Events LLC, or local law enforcement, ground operators or others to arrange for any emergency medical treatment and hospitalization as may be necessary for me because of participation in this activity without my further consent.



I agree that any dispute concerning, relating or referring to this Agreement, the brochure or any other literature concerning my trip, or the trip itself, shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration pursuant to the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§1-16, either according to the then existing Commercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or pursuant to the Comprehensive Arbitration Rules & Procedures of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (JAMS). Such proceedings will be governed by substantive (but not procedural) Florida law and will take place in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The arbitrator and not any federal, state, or local court or agency shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this contract, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this contract is void or voidable. Please understand that by agreeing to these terms and conditions, you (and we) are waiving our right to a trial by jury.



I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate on the trip designated on this application (or a trip which I may change to) and that I have read the description of the trip as it appears in the current Avenue 8 Events LLC website relating to the trip, together with all information contained in this application. I am voluntarily participating in this trip with knowledge of the hazards involved.



I have carefully read these Terms and Conditions and the booking information sections of this document, and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself and Avenue 8 Events LLC and agree of my own free will. By signing, I agree to these Travel Terms & Conditions and release Avenue 8 Events LLC from any Liability, Assumption of Risk and Binding Arbitration Clause for myself and each member of my traveling party.



All guests hereby authorize Avenue 8 Events LLC to take photographs and/or video of myself and any member of my traveling party during this trip, and further grant Avenue 8 Events LLC permission to use these images and videos for promotional or commercial use without payment of any compensation to any guest.


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